Android Basic UI Controls

This is a most important part for beginner. In this tutorial we will learn about most useful UI Controls of Android.

1. Layouts

1.1 LinearLayout:

LinearLayout is a parent view(View Group) for use to aligns all child view in a single direction such as  vertically or horizontally for more detail click .

1.2 RelativeLayout

RelativeLayout is same as LinearLayout  that displays child views in relative positions for more detail click.

1.3 TableLayout

TableLayout is also parent  view that child views into  rows and columns for more detail click.

1.4 FrameLayout

FrameLayout is Container view that use for display only single view for more detail click

2. UI Controls

2.1 TextView

this control use for display any text.

2.2 Button

this use for perform event(task) on button click,for know more about Button click.

2.3 ImageButton

this same as Button with Image

2.4 CheckBox

this is use for select multiple options for user, click for more detail. 

2.5 EditText

this is use for Enter any text form user.its subclass of TextView, its have editing capability.more information click .

2.6 TimePicker

this is use for select time of day, more click.

2.7 DatePicker

its use for select date,click for more information 

2.8 RadioButton

its use for choose one from multiple options by user, click for detail.  

2.9 RadioGroup

its use for group RadioButton,click. 

3. UI List 

3.1 ListView

ListView is use to  displays a list by the use of adapter, its scroll by-default.

3.2 GridView

GridView is use for display a list in multiple columns.its also use by Adapter.   

4.Other UI Widgets

4.1 Spinner

this is a view for use select one option from multiple. its drop down list.  

4.2 AutoCompleteTextView

this is use for get text from user like EditText and its suggest to user when user type any text.

4.3 RatingBar

this is use for display rating

4.4 ProgressBar

this is use for display progress  

4.5 ToggleButton

this is use for two options in a single view. 

4.6 Toast

this is use for short massage for user.